
Rape in India

A visual exploration of official government statistics on reported rape cases in India. The interactive uses a combination of SVG and WebGL to illustrate the terrifying scale of violence against women as well as a grossly bottlenecked judiciary

Southern Mosaic

On March 31 1939, when John and Ruby Lomax left their vacation home on San José Island, Texas, they already had some idea of what they would encounter on their three-month, 6,502 mile journey through the southern United States collecting folk songs.

79 years later as an Innovation Intern at the Library of Congress, I recreated this fascinating journey using Vue.JS and some SVG magic.

Visualizing the Taste of a Community of Cinephiles

As the internet becomes ubiquitous we are beginning to see the fruition of something that has its humble beginnings as USENET in the 80s; people from all walks of life are breaking barriers of the physical world and coming together on the internet to form large communities based on the ideas that resonate with them

Defining such relationships enables us to gain cultural insight into the community and the subject that it is centered about. In this project we look at a Machine Learning technique called t-SNE that can help us visualize the movie taste of this community

25 Years of Negotiations-Provocations between the United States-DPRK

A scrollytelling piece that explores the history of negotiations between North Korea and the United States, juxtaposed with provocations by North Korea during that period.

San Francisco MUNI realtime map

A realtime map of MUNI buses and trolleys in San Francisco. The app is built in Vue.JS and uses the Fetch API to implement an 11MB map that renders progressively

Data Visualization: The Portrait of a Woman

One of the memorable experiences of my undergraduate education was taking a class called ‘Indian cinema in context’. In one of the lectures, the professor asked the class a seemingly simple question: What is India and what does it mean to be an Indian? It was a question that I struggled to answer. The Republic of India is a state that was formed in 1947, however the Indian civilization itself traces its root back to 3300 – 1300 BCE. Through out the ages, the Indian subcontinent has seen rise and fall of many empires and migration within the subcontinent has resulted in an extremely diverse subcontinent with many ethnicities, languages and religions.

In this project, I have visualized different aspects of publicly available data, released by the Census Bureau of India, as Choropleth maps that paint a color coded portrait of the woman called India.

Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative: Claims Map

Styled in Mapbox, a map that showcases the complex situation in the South China Sea where multiple claimants are claiming territorial waters that often overlap.

A Tale of Two Paths: Divergence in Development

A special CSIS report which includes my implementation of the 'Gapminder' inspired visualization

Virtual Reality: Self-Portrait

Is it possible to draw a portrait of someone by depicting their taste or what they like?

Using the University of Illinois at Chicago's CAVE2 Virtual Reality platform I was able to visualize my musical and cinematic taste by retrieving data through Spotify and Facebook APIs. The CAVE2's circular layout of 72 3D LCD Panels provide an immersive and interactive experience that enables one to take a peek at one's self portrait - expressed in data.

Virtual Reality: The Shining

Virtual reality has often been used by the Film industry in order to create walkthroughs of planned sets. In this project, I remodeled a stock house into a house that was based on the ‘Overlook Hotel’ from a film called ‘The Shining’ which was shot by director Stanley Kubrick.

Motion Graphics: Movie Title Sequence

Final project for a Motion Graphics class which was also the first time I tried my hand at illustration! The objective for the final project, as set by the professor, was to create a two and a half minute title sequence for a movie of the student's choice.

I chose to make a title sequence for the movie ‘The Darjeeling Limited’ which was directed by Wes Anderson.

© Aditya Jain. All rights reserved.